1 - Firstly, I opened a new page in Photoshop with the measurements 140mm by 125mm, to keep it the same size as the other pages of the digipak.
2- You are then left with this. I then copied the image I wanted over the top of the page.
3 - I then zoomed in to the image and chose the correct placement .
4 - Now, using the shape tool, I drew a circle and placed it directly central in the page, making sure that there was space around the edge.
5 - Then, making sure you are selected on the image layer, you can use the magic wand tool to quickly select the image around the circle to delete.
6 - In some cases, the magic wand tool cannot be used, like for instance in this photo where there are so many contrasting colours that it doesn't know what to select. Therefore, I used the polygon lasso tool. Though more time consuming, it works just as well. You continue to cut out until all the colour has gone from the screen.
7 - Then, when you turn the circle layer off, you are left with a perfect circle of your image, resembling a disk.
8 - Then using the layer options, you can adjust the image to change the brightness and contrast and colouring. In my disks, I tended to use Hue and Saturation and Levels the most.
9 - Using the shape tool again, I made a smaller circle and placed it central to show the hole in the middle of the disk.
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