Saturday, 1 February 2014

Text Examples

 From research, I can see that the majority of text used on album covers in the indie folk genre are in either black or white. This reflects the simplicity of the genre whilst also standing out from the image. The fonts seem to either be in a very simple font or one that resembles handwriting. The fonts are generally thin with no use of italics or bold. This again reflects the simplicity of the genre by showing that they don't need large colourful text to advertise their album. They rely more on the content of the album than it's aesthetics.

My drafts are as follows:

Century Gothic

Comic Sans

MV Boli

Orator STD

Segoe Script

Tempus Sans ITC

I have used a range of fonts and styles, some all in capitals and some not and some are simple fonts and others resemble hand writing. All the text is in white as I think it reflects the protagonist idea that themes in my video with the repetition of white to resemble purity and innocence; two things that aren't stereotypical of the youth today, however this works well as the indie genre are always trying to break boundaries and ideologies. The font I have decided to use is Orator STD as I think this looks the most like the other texts I have researched, making my product have more verisimilitude. It is very slim line and sophisticated which is the look I am going trying to re-create in my album cover.

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